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Daryna Salii

How to Give Your Pets the Best Care Possible

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In the United States, there are up to 75 million pet dogs. If you’re the parent of one of these pups, you know that loving your pets comes with the responsibility of taking great care of them.

Regular visits to a pet clinic ensure that your pets get the care they need, whether you have cats, dogs, or any other type of animal. It is always a good idea to schedule an appointment to ensure your pet reaps the rewards of great care. Keep those tails wagging and the purring going with a visit to your local pet clinic.

Use an Animal Clinic That Offers a Variety of Service

From boarding to pet grooming and surgery, you need a pet clinic with a variety of veterinary services. Clinics that offer a plethora of services are able to keep pets happy as well as healthy. Using a pet clinic with an in-house lab ensures you get top diagnostic medical services without a long wait. These are some of the most important pet healthcare services:

  • Veterinary Medical Services
  • Wellness Exams
  • Veterinary Surgery
  • Vaccinations
  • Pet Laser Therapy
  • Pet Boarding
  • Pet Grooming
  • Pet Products

Get Preventative Health Care at a Pet Clinic

Most pet owners take their pets in for exams once they have noticed their pet needs care. However, preventative health care goes a long way in keeping your pet healthy. Ask about preventative health care plans and help your pet stay healthy. Pet clinic visits for preventative care provide the perfect opportunity to discuss any issues your pet may be having with their diet, medications, and much more.

Preventative care is also the best way to stay informed of your pet’s health and find out if your pet is in the early stages of a disease. Regular pet checkups ensure that an illness is found early so treatments can start immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment of diseases give your pet the best possible chance to recover while preventing unnecessary suffering and pain.

Adaptive Medical Advice Is Integral to Your Pet’s Care
Pets are just like people. Their health changes as they grow and age. Adaptive medical advice given by a veterinarian is ideal throughout a pet’s maturity. They just need to know more about your pet’s current state and habits.

There are a number of factors that affect your pet’s health overall. A few of those factors include diet, activity levels, and age. Trained vets consider every factor for your pet and provide complete wellness assessments so your pet can age in health and comfort.

Pet Clinics Provide Accurate Diagnoses

As a pet lover, you may understand a few things about your animal’s health. However, it is not a good idea to diagnose and try to medicate your pets on your own. It is detrimental to the health of your pet to seek the advice and approval of a veterinarian.

Licensed vets have the authority and skills to offer sound care and insight concerning your pet’s health. They have had years of practice and training and are professional veterinarians capable of accurately diagnosing health problems in animals. Consider them to be your pet’s best friend. Invest in regular check-ups to ensure your companion lives a long and healthy life.

Visit a Local Pet Clinic

Schedule an appointment with your local pet clinic. Top clinics offer after-hour appointments as well as same-day appointments. Your pet is their top priority. Nothing feels better than knowing your pet is assured the best care from a vet with many years of experience.

7 Signs Your Dog Needs to Go to the Veterinarian

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Dogs are man’s best friend for a reason, and there is little we wouldn’t do for our four-legged family members. However, sometimes it can be hard to know when they need to see a vet because they can’t tell us when they are sick. If you’re concerned about taking care of your dog, here are seven signs to keep in mind that mean they need to see a vet.

1.Their Eating Habits Have Changed

Changes in the way your dog eats are a sign that something may be wrong. If they are suddenly not eating food that they previously loved, it could be a sign that they are having some digestive issues that a veterinarian will need to diagnose. The best-case scenario is that they have an upset stomach. However, this could also be a sign of something more significant such as an intestinal obstruction.

2. Drinking Too Much or Too Little

Suddenly, drinking less water can also be a sign that there are digestive issues that our vet will need to take a look at. However, if your dog suddenly starts drinking more or urinating more, your veterinarian should check your dog for kidney problems or diabetes, as both can cause increased drinking and urinating.

3. Trouble Breathing or Rapid Breathing

Many dogs pant when they get hot, but when they get overheated, their breathing could increase rapidly as they try to cool themselves off. The average temperature of a dog is between 101 and 102.5 degrees, and if you’re afraid your dog is overheating, you should bring them into a cool area and call your vet immediately.

Similarly, difficulty breathing could signify that your dog is experiencing a cold or some kind of allergy. Your veterinarian will be able to diagnose the exact problem so that your pooch can get the treatment they need.

4. Lethargy

If your usually energetic pup is suddenly lethargic, you’ll want to have your vet give them a look. This could be a sign that something is hurting them or that they aren’t feeling their best. While it would be easier if they could simply tell us, unfortunately, they’ll have to see a vet.

5. Irritated Eyes

If your dog’s eyes are suddenly red, irritated, or producing extra mucus, you’ll need to get them checked out by your vet. While it may be irritation from an allergy or something that got into their eye, they could also have a scratch or injury to their cornea which will require a vet to diagnose.

6. Rashes, Skin Irritation, Changes in Their Fur

In many cases, rashes and changes in fur can be attributed to allergies or your dog’s diet. If your dog is itching excessively, you’ll want them to see a vet as soon as possible. Your vet can help determine what is causing these changes and advise the best way you can help make your dog feel more comfortable again.

7. Aggressive Behavior

Lastly, if your usually sweet and affectionate dog is suddenly acting aggressively, this is an indication that something isn’t right. Just as some people get short-tempered when they aren’t feeling good, so too can a dog sometimes lash out when they are sick or injured. Don’t just assume that your dog has developed behavioral problems, and instead have them examined by your vet so that any injuries or illnesses can be diagnosed and treated.

Dogs are more than just pets, they are part of the family. Because of this, it is important to know some of the most common signs that your dog needs medical treatment. Keep these signs in mind so that you can know when your dog needs to see the vet so that you can keep your best friend happy and healthy for years to come.

Essential Vaccines for Your Cats and Dogs

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According to Forbes, 62% of U.S. households own at least one pet. If you’re part of this statistic, you should know that vaccines are just as crucial for your pet as they are for you. They safeguard against most ailments that affect your pet. Having your pet vaccinated at an animal clinic is an easy and effective way of ensuring they live a long, healthy life.

Understanding Vaccines

Vaccines work by preparing your pet’s immune system to fend off the invasion of pathogenic organisms. They contain antigens that mimic the disease-causing organism but don’t cause disease. When the vaccine is administered at an animal clinic, your pet’s immune system is mildly stimulated. If they come into contact with the actual disease, their immune system will be ready to identify and eliminate it or lessen its severity.

This article looks at the essential vaccines for dogs and cats.

Vaccines for Your Dog

It goes without saying that there are multiple essential vaccines that are recommended by the AAHA Canine Vaccine Task Force. The first of which is for rabies, which is a fatal disease. All mammals, humans included, can be infected with the lethal rabies virus. Laws in most states mandate that dogs receive rabies vaccines. Canine distemper virus is another necessary vaccine. This infectious viral illness affects a few different organs.

The next core vaccine for your dog is for canine parvovirus. This contagious virus typically causes gastrointestinal disease and is often fatal when contracted by puppies and immunosuppressed dogs. The final vaccine is for canine adenovirus-2, which is a contagious virus that affects a dog’s respiratory system.

Vaccines for Your Cat

The following core vaccines are recommended for cats by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) task force, and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).

Just like your dog, your cat will also need a vaccine against rabies. This is a severe condition that infects the brain and often results in death. You should also get your cat a feline calicivirus vaccine, as it’s a highly infectious virus that causes oral and respiratory infections.

Feline herpesvirus-1 is another core cat vaccine. This contagious disease frequently causes respiratory and eye infections in cats. Another vital vaccine for your cat is feline panleukopenia, which is caused by the feline parvovirus. It can be lethal for kittens and immunosuppressed cats.

Vaccinating your pet at an animal clinic can safeguard it from most illnesses. Doing this will significantly lower the possibility of needing costly treatment later on. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment for your pet.

4 Things You Need to Know About Getting Your Pet Fixed

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Owning a pet and making decisions regarding their health is a major responsibility. Most pet parents choose to have their pets fixed by setting up an appointment with local veterinary services, but you might be on the fence. If you’re thinking about getting your pet fixed, here are four things to know first.

1. Wait Until They Are Right Age

Your pet has to be a certain age in order to get spayed or neutered. Talk to your vet about when you can have your pet spayed or neutered and make sure you wait until the appropriate age to have the procedure done. Having your pet fixed prematurely can put them at risk for complications.

2. Choose a Reputable Vet

Choosing the right veterinary services is important, but especially so with spaying and neutering. You need to choose a reputable vet that has experience fixing pets in order to avoid having to worry about health complications or an incomplete procedure putting your pet at risk. Be sure to read reviews on their website to learn about what other pet parents have to say about their level of professionalism, the quality of care they provide, and the possible cost of having the procedure performed.

3. Spaying and Neutering Can Offer Health Benefits

Believe it or not, spaying and neutering can offer health benefits for your pet. According to Life Learn, spayed female cats live 39% longer and neutered males live 62% longer than cats who haven’t been fixed. Getting your pets fixed can also help prevent other issues such as UTIs. Be sure to ask your vet what other benefits are associated with this procedure.

4. The Process Is Irreversible

If there’s a chance you want your dog to have puppies or your cat to have kittens, you might want to think twice about getting them fixed. Spaying and neutering are both irreversible processes, which means there’s nothing you can do to allow your pet to have babies again once they’ve been fixed. Talk to your vet about the birthing process for your pet to decide whether you want your pet to have a litter or you want to have the procedure performed.

Being a pet parent comes with a lot of responsibilities, but it’s up to you to make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your pets healthy. Spaying and neutering, along with other veterinary services, can offer several benefits for your pet. If you’re thinking about getting your pet fixed, call Animal Medical Of Covington today to schedule an appointment.

What Treats and Toys to Avoid Giving Your Dog

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We love giving our furry friends new treats and toys. According to Life Learn, 75% of pet owners buy their pets presents. However, knowing what to buy your pet is essential to ensure you don’t need emergency veterinary medical service. Watch out for these surprisingly common toys and treats.

Dinner Scraps

Pet owners commonly give their dogs the rest of their dinner or leftovers. There are foods we can eat that our pets can’t eat. Chocolate is notoriously dangerous for dogs. Dogs who eat chicken or other meat with bones might eat the bone, which can cut their intestines. Only feed your dog human food if you speak with your veterinarian first.

Rawhide Chews

These are typical treats for dogs. Pet owners often see them advertised and readily available in your local pet section. However, these have the potential to be dangerous. Dogs can chew on the treat, making it gummy. Then, it can stick together, and your dog might choke on it. If they swallow it, it can stick together in their intestines. This can create several digestion issues.


Everyone says dogs love bones, and we have all seen at least one picture of a dog with a bone. However, dogs may try to eat the bone. Swallowing bone fragments can lead to several issues. For example, sharp ones may cut your dog’s mouth or intestines. The bone may get stuck in their intestines, too. In this case, you may have to call a veterinary medical service for surgical removal.

Small Toys

Small toys are great for small dogs. Pet owners who give large dogs a toy that is too tiny risk giving their dog a choking hazard. Instead, make sure that the toy’s size matches your dog’s size. You also want to avoid giving dogs toys with small parts. For example, stuffed animals with plastic eyes. Dogs can chew them off and choke on them.

Hard Toys

Avoid toys that are too hard. Toys made of metal or solid plastic are usually too hard. They can cause severe, painful damage to your dog’s teeth. Grab a toy and squeeze it before you purchase it. If it’s hard for you to squeeze or feels solid, it’s too hard for your dog. Instead, opt for softer toys to prevent dental problems.

Finding suitable toys and treats for your dog can be challenging. If you have any questions, our veterinary medical service can help you. Contact Animal Medical Of Covington today.